Thursday, December 20, 2012

Colin's Christmas Program

The 3 year old, 4 year old, and Kindergarten Sunday school classes had a Christmas program. It was pretty much adorable.

Going in, I expected Colin to not participate, and to possibly cry or refuse to stand up in front. We were pleasantly surprised when I did as he was told :) He didn't sing, but I'm okay with that!

And then the kids played Silent Night on handbells, which was too freaking cute. He did a good job of ringing his orange bell when he was signaled to ring it. In between his turn, he looks around to watch everyone else ring their bells. Watch the video. That mouth stretching thing must be a nervous tick or something. He does that sometimes.


Sarah G said...

I'm all warm and fuzzy inside from watching those kids -- Colin has to be the most precious bell-ringer I've ever seen.

grandma J said...

Good job Colin

stephie said...

Bravo, bravo Colin!!!

lynntforrest said...

cute-fun to see all having fun.good job colin