Sunday, October 20, 2013

"About a Bear and a Guy" By Colin, Age 4

Colin wanted to write a story the other night, so I dictated it while he told it. Here it is:

Once upon a time there was a bear, then there was a man who got bit by the bear. He got scared and ran away with his ax. Then he drove in his truck and he saw the bear in his back window. He was in the woods. He wasn't afraid of the bear. He drove back to him. Then he said, "Hey, want to trade axes?"

Then they walked together and built a campfire. Then he went in the woods and built a campfire with bricks and wood. Then he burped when he ate all the marshmallows. Then the bear burped when he ate all the marshmallows.

Then the bear rode in a baby stroller. He broke it and fell and said, "Ow! I'm never going to play with you again." Then he said, "Hey want to carry me?" Then the man fell down.

They walked together and the bear wasn't tired. Then the bear said, "Hey, you want to go home and sleep?"

The man said, "Yes."


grandma J said...

Great story Colin. Can't wait to hear more.

Kristin said...

Colin's already an author! Can't wait until he has a published book!