Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello? Is anyone still there?

I'll just spare you the "sorry I've not blogged since October speech." I'm busy, yo. And I haven't felt like writing anything, despite some huge changes, okay?

If you didn't already know, we're expecting #3 (Little Baby Sunshine, keeping with the weather-themed nicknames) in mid-May. Call us one of the crazies with 3 kids (possibly all boys), we don't care. Someone was missing from our family and s/he is growing in my belly right now. We had an ultrasound last week and all was well. We got a CD of pictures but the CD drive in my computer is broken (I may or may not have dropped this sucker a few too many times in the last NINE YEARS I've had it, especially in the last 6 months or so). No, we did not find out the sex. You know me and how I like surprises!

And...no other news from the last 2+ months tops that, so...moving on...

I always like to reflect on the new years resolutions I made last year and see how I did. Here we go...

Resolutions for 2013:
1. Pay OFF all debt. Heck yeah! This totally happened, earlier than expected even! The only debt remaining is our mortgage.
2. Run another 5k. Check that. I walked the Color Run 5k in June (July?) and I also ran the Women Rock 10k in August. And I didn't die!

3. Unplug. Yeah...still working on that.

Now GOALS for 2014: (I like goals better than resolutions)
1. Build savings. Now that our debt is paid off, this is step #3 in Dave Ramsey's baby steps. We are looking forward to getting a decent amount saved up in case we should ever need it.

2. Do yoga and be a strong mama. I follow a mom of 5 named Melissa (she's also MN photographer) on instagram. She started yoga in March and she can do amazing things like handstands and all sorts of crazy things, and I want to do that too. I started tonight by signing up for a free 15 day trial of yogaglo. I can watch it on the TV through Roku or on my laptop. I figure if I can keep up with the trial, I can keep up with it after that. And since I don't like running while pregnant or breast feeding, I can do this as exercise this year instead.

3. Unplug. Still working on it. Still bothers me. I need to set some parameters with myself or something.

So...that's about it. I'm not sure when I'll update next, so don't hold your breath or anything :)

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