Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hair Do or Hair Don't?

I have a hair cut scheduled for Saturday. I always always always debate between getting my hair cut into a short bob again
Or growing it out
Or maintaining at medium length.

Which do you like best? Because honestly, I don't know. Keep in mind that I'm running a triathlon next Saturday and, well, medium length that can't go into a ponytail is not idea. I like the idea of ponytails. But I also like the idea of wash-and-go short. This not only applies to the triathlon, but summer as well. Right now it's just long enough for me to put it into a decent ponytail.

Vote in the poll at the right. Please and thank you. You're the best.


leah @maritalbless said...

I'm no help. I always like longer hair, but your hair is really cute as a bob!

Laura said...

I must be blind, I couldn't find the poll...but my vote is for short!!

grandma J said...

I couldn't find the poll either....short is always easy