Thursday, January 21, 2010

RSV (or, why I hate daycare centers)

Colin has been a sick little dude since the middle of last week. We kept him home from daycare on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last week. I took him to the ER on Thursday night because I was worried about his breathing, and day care told me earlier that day that there had been cases of bronchiolitis (RSV), pneumonia, and ear infections there. We ruled out pneumonia with a chest x-ray, but he did get diagnosed with a double ear infection. We got some antibiotics and went home.

He seemed to be feeling better on Monday, so he went to daycare. Tuesday, too, except he got sent home because his temp was 100.5. To appease daycare, I canceled piano lessons and rescheduled his 9 month appointment to Tuesday night. Dr. R. tested him for RSV. It was positive. :( So we kept him home yesterday and today, but my mommy instinct is telling me he should be able to go back tomorrow, pending a restful night tonight. His cough is less frequent, his nose is less runny, his temperature has stayed 99* or less. His ear is still bothering him, so we started a new antibiotic tonight.

We got to try out our Dr. Mom otoscope (the tool doctors use to look in your ears) tonight. Dr. Dad confirmed Colin's ears are still a little red, and he also said one of mine looked red too. I'm going to choose to suffer through it though.

Hopefully we're on the mend now. I do have to give props to Kevin's mom for helping us out. There's no way either of us could've taken 5 days off of work to stay home (I took 1.5, Kevin took a few half days). So thanks Grandma F. for the babysitting help!! And thanks Grandma J. for the frequent check-ins and medical/been-there-done-that advice!

And the 9 month stats are as follows:
Weight: 20 lbs, 3 oz (50th %tile) Thanks for voting, 3 people! Your guesses were too high though :)
Height: 29 inches (75th %tile) *so if we had chosen to keep using the infant car seat, this is the point when we'd have to switch to the convertible. Sooo glad we switched earlier!
Head circumference: 17 3/4" (50th %tile)


stephie said...

I hope baby C is feeling better today! And I hope you can enjoy your weekend too! Love ya.

Kristin said...

I hope Colin is feeling better!!! Poor guy!
And....I want to try some bread!