Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pacifier weaning: Phase 2


Phase 2 was changed to getting rid of the nukky in the car. We turned Colin's car seat to forward-facing last Thursday after my chiropractor told me that it's actually slightly safer for those older than 12 months than rear-facing. Ever since, it's like a whole new world has opened up for Colin and he's entertained enough to not need it.

He used to want it on the 5 minute car ride to the store.

We even made it all the way to Rochester this past weekend without using it at all. He was tired since we left around nap time. He asked for it and I gave him his snack cup instead, and he fell asleep holding his snack cup.

I still bring the pacifier along for long rides around nap time and I hide it, just in case, because technically he wants it because he's tired, not just because he wants it.

While I didn't plan on making these two events intersect at the same time, it sure did turn out nicely!

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