Friday, July 30, 2010

Picks and Pans for 400, Alex.

Potty training:
Colin almost always poops on his potty after breakfast. The rest of the times he poops, it's touch and go. As for pee, sometimes he does it in his potty, sometimes he sits on his potty then stands up and pees on the floor (ugh), most of the times he pees in his diaper.

I did buy some training pants. I put them on him when we're just hanging out at home for awhile--mostly in the afternoons. The first day, he peed in 2 pair and pooped and peed in 1 pair. Today, he sat on his potty and didn't go, so Kevin put his training pants back on, took him outside, and ran back in the house 1 minute later yelling, "Emergency!" holding a bewildered Colin at arms-length with a pair of wet trainers on.

It's all so inconsistent, it drives me batty. But I know that every success with the potty is a good thing. And I want him to feel wet and uncomfortable in his training pants to hopefully motivate him to go in his potty.

Days 1-6.5 were great. That 7th day, Colin started to realize what was happening and started demanding his pacifier more. I held strong though. It had been a week and I wasn't going to go back now! Day 8 was just as bad. Today is better...he was pretty upset this morning, but after that episode, he got along just fine without it.

Kevin said Colin said "lawnmower" plain as day. I've heard him say "mawmow"--or something like it--before, but Kevin swears there was an L in the beginning and an R at the end.

I'm going to run a stinkin' 5K on Sept. 18 with my friend Laura. Not gonna lie--I'm doing this for killer abs and a t-shirt. Today was training day #2 and it has been going surprisingly well, considering I hate running, I have asthma, I taste blood, I hate sweating, and I eventually get shin splints. Today I ran farther than I did on training day #1, so I guess that's a good thing.

We signed up for e-mealz. Leah told me about it, so we decided to dive in. I went grocery shopping today and spent less than $112 on food for 5 full meals, along with lunch/breakfast/snack items. I made my first e-mealz meal today--poppyseed chicken, almond french green beans, sugared peaches (hello! yum.), and dinner rolls. It was good, and we have enough leftovers for 2. The recipe was super easy, too. Check it out if you are interested in meal planning!

Colin and I are heading down to Roch tomorrow to my parents' house. My mom is hosting a Norwex party, and my friends will be there. I'm hoping to maybe hit up a park while we're down there. I'm sure Colin is sick of the same parks we go to over and over again.

Your reward for reading this:
The day I let C pick out his own socks and shoes (prior to paci-weaning, obv.):

In Stillwater:

Colin LOVES to walk Rocket. Rocket is getting better about going slowly when Colin is holding his leash.


Unknown said...

So I was going to comment about how adorable he is in his fuzzy Crocs . . . . . . . . but then . . . . . . I saw the picture of him walking the dog . . . . . . .and I have now melted into a pool on the floor, because he is so stinking cute.

grandma J said...

Isn't he the cutest thing ever?