Monday, October 11, 2010

I interrupt this running...

I haven't ran one little bit since I ran the 5k. But I've wanted to! I have been plagued with this annoying cough. I'm sick of it, Kevin's sick of it, and my students are sick of it. I'm trying to stay away from the running in order to kick the cough to the curb.

But this is the start of the 4th week. I've had it since the day after we left the hospital.

I've thought about going to the doctor, but for what answer? "Uh...yeah...seems you have a cough. Guess you'll just have to wait it out."

I took last Wednesday afternoon off of work to just catch up on sleep (as previously posted, conference week is tiring!). Thursday morning, I walked in to the office and my principal asked me how I was feeling and if I had gotten my pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccine. Uh, no...I haven't.

Then I did some research on Whooping Cough. I could possibly have it. Cough drops don't work, cough medicine doesn't work, my inhaler doesn't work. All typical of the Whoop. long does it last? Typically 7 weeks. Kidding, right,

On the other had, soooo many adults that I work with also have this cough that just wont. go. away. So maybe it's just viral. Or maybe we all have the Whoop.

Regardless, the students have been vaccinated for it. Colin has been vaccinated. Kevin doesn't seem to be getting it. It's too late for me to get the vaccine now, and you typically only get Whooping Cough once (like Chicken Pox).

I'm just thankful I seem to be on the way down, because I can actually sleep lying down now. And I usually only wake up once to cough.

So, until this cough is gone...running is pushed to the wayside. And that makes me sad. I'm going to have to start with a shorter distance when I do start up again because I won't be able to consistently run the 3 miles. But that's okay.

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