Saturday, February 5, 2011


We don't really do a whole lot of time outs. There have been times when he has been throwing a tantrum or whatever and we sit him on the couch and say "time out," but I'd say the total number of times we've done that is about five. It gives him a chance to cool off and then tell us what he wants rather than have a tantrum.

Well, Colin's newest thing is giving himself a Time Out, or what he calls "Mout."

Sometimes when I'm wrestling him to change his diaper, I tell him he needs to lay still or he will get a time out. He looks at me, says "Mout" and sits in the glider chair for a few minutes. Sometimes he'll play a game where he gets out of his chair and then runs back to it, but *usually* after he sits there for a few minutes, he'll get out and be ready to get the diaper on again.

On Thursday when I picked him up from Sandy's, he didn't want to get his coat and boots on and just straight out told me "Mout." So he sat on her little bench while I talked to Sandy with my back towards him. Within a few minutes, he was ready to be cooperative and get ready.

I can only hope that as we approach the two-year mark that he'll give himself Time Outs. However, I do believe it's his little experiment at this point.

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