Developmental checklist:
By three months, Colin should be able to
- on stomach, lift head 45 degrees: Again, I haven't gotten out the protractor. Colin HATES tummy time, so even though I know it's important, I hate making him doing it because he's so grumpy afterward. Plus, sometimes, I forget to even work it into our day. After a scolding by the chiropractor about the importance of him developing an s-curve in his spine and good binocular vision and the threat of dyslexia, I'm better at it.
- laugh out loud: Oh yes, love it!
- On stomach, lift head 90 degrees: A work in progress.
- squeal in delight: Also love it
- Bring both hands together: ...and get all cross-eyed looking at them, and then drool all over them
- Smile spontaneously: Yup
- Follow an object held about 6 inches away and move head 180 degrees: Yes
- Hold head steady when upright: Yes
- On stomach, raise chest supported by arms: No
- Roll over (one way): No
- Grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers: Yes
- Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin: You know, I still haven't really tested this one out.
- Bear some weight on legs when held upright: The kid LOVES to stand and squeals and laughs and smiles when he does it. (See?)
But the chiropractor scolded us for this too, saying his legs were like green twigs, or like un-set concrete. Thus we don't let him do it as much anymore. But look at that super-happy face!! Back to doing tummy time instead...sorry buddy.
- Reach for an object: no
- Keep head level to body when pulled to sitting: He's very good at this, and even pulls it up a little more than "level to body"
- Turn in the direction of a voice, particularly mommy's: Yes :)
- Say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combination: ....or just make noise for the heck of it.
- Razz: He has done a little of this
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