Anyway, Raina is now the size of an ear of corn. She gained about 4 ounces since last week, which puts her just over 1 pound. She's almost a foot long. Her body is pretty lean (although I hope not as skinny as an actual ear of corn), but she's filling out and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is growing quickly, and her taste buds are still developing. Her lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree as well as cells that produce surfactant, which is a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.
My uterus is about an inch above my belly button, and is the size of a soccer ball. See?
In other news, we think we've decided on a boy's name. We have not decided on a girl's first name yet. This is another indicator that indeed this little one is a girl. I have a long list of girls' names, but Kevin's not so sure about most of them. We have 3 that we agreed on, but I'm not sure I love any of them enough. The middle name is pretty much decided on, unless the first name ends up not going with it. I know you're intrigued :)
Kevin put his ear to my belly the other day. Jen told me at our high school get together that her husband heard their little girl's heartbeat by doing this. Kevin didn't hear the heartbeat, but he did hear Raina moving around, and even a thunk. Hearing her is one thing he can do that I can't, which is cool for him. Last night, Raina was kicking pretty hard, so I told Kevin to come watch and maybe he'd see a bump from the outside. At long last, he did. We'd been trying to get him to see it since I saw it...was that 1 or 2 weeks ago?
And I guess I should've given my readers time to cross their everything (see post below), because 10 minutes after publishing the post, I called the auto body shop about my Escape. Not. Done. Freakin' A. They close today at 12, and aren't open again until Monday. If the dude who is fixing my dearly beloved decides he wants to work on Friday (please, please work on Friday--maybe even just a half day), he might have it done by early next week. I don't believe this though, because when we called on Monday, Dec. 15, he said it might be done by the 19th. Then I called on the 22nd and he said, "I'd tell you it would be done by Christmas, but I'd be lying to you, so I'm going to try for New Years." So I'm thinking, "Sweet, as long as I have it back before I go back to school, it's all good." Nada. Granted, there have been some holidays in this span, and it had to go away to get frame work done, and the parts weren't arriving in a timely manner. He admitted it had been a little neglected with the weather we're having. And he said that the insurance company is on him to get it done as well. Well, yeah! They're paying for my rental car! So far, I've had the dang thing for 42 days. I can't imagine how much that is going to cost the insurance company. It's costing me $756 so far in the $18/day insurance alone! But I dare take it off because of the morons that I can't trust not to follow me so darn closely in horrible weather quite yet. *sigh* Needless to say, I had a hormone-induced temper tantrum in the car on the way to the chiropractor after I hung up the phone with the auto body guy. I bawled my eyes out, and I called Kevin to pout to him too. I just want my car back! I want the world to revolve around me and my Escape! :)