Who's there?
Cantaloupe who?
Cantaloupe with you tonight!
Yeah, dumb. I know.
Rain is the size of a cantaloupe now. The size of a melon you'd definitely share with others. One you can't eat all by yourself (at least in one sitting). His digestive system is making meconium. That's baby poop made out of the amniotic fluid he's drinking, digestive secretions, and dead cells. This black, tarry poo is going to show up in his first diaper. Can't wait! He's measuring in at 6.5 inches and 10.6 ounces.
How am I feeling? In general, I guess you could say better. There are some times that I need a snack and I need it NOW because I feel sick, but those urgencies are decreasing.
Rain is definitely moving around in there. I feel him more and more every day, mostly once my students have left the building and he can have some peace and quiet. Then he continues bouncing around on and off for the rest of the evening.
I seriously can't believe I'm halfway done incubating this little being. The time has flown by! In celebration of the halfway point, here are a few dorky full-body shots.
And the one where I look like a sasquatch:
1 comment:
Why is there no picture? I won't give you praise for being halfway there without a picture.
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