Friday, May 22, 2009

Best night EVER

So good I had to come here and write it down for prosperity's sake.
9:30--Fed Colin his nightcap and went to bed
12:30--Colin woke up ravenous, practically eating his pjs off as I changed his diaper
1:00--Back to bed!
4:30--The mark of the longest stretch of sleep I've gotten since April 17. Fed Colin.
5:00--Back to bed!
6:00--Colin needs diaper changed, but doesn't want to be fed. Rocked him instead.
6:30--Back to bed!
8:10 (now)--Still sleeping.

Total sleep: about 9 hrs in an 11 hr span. Not too shabby.

*Never did I stay awake more than 30 min. Victory! I hate those 1 hr wakeful periods when he just won't go back to sleep, while I'm trying not to pass out while feeding/rocking/burping/rubbing his back.
*Kevin's sick, so I let him sleep all night and I did the diaper changes (he usually takes care of that and supplies me with water to drink).

Maybe the whole being awake a lot during the day, which is directly proportional to me NOT getting anything done around the house is worth it.


stephie said...

Way to go Colin!! Have a wonderful Memorial weekend!

Amy said...

Hip.. Hip.. Hooray! Good Job Colin, and what a loving wife to let Kev sleep!