Friday, May 1, 2009

So long, farewell...

Goodbye horrid night sweats! I'm so happy to not wake up to a crying baby in a state of thermal confusion. I am excited to no longer be all hot and sweaty, but shivering because I'm freezing cold. Amidst the attempt at homeostasis, it was hard to nurse a hungry newborn while trying to stay warm...or is it cool? Auf wiedersehen!

Goodbye umbilical cord stump! You fell off this morning. What's left is a bit of black crust, which will make way for a super cute belly button in a day or two. We are happy to not have to work around you and try not to catch you on clothes and our diaper-changing hands. Adieu!

Goodbye maternity shirts! Not the pants...just the shirts. Oh...except for that thorn-in-my-side pair of torn Old Navy jeans which are going in the garbage. The shirts are going in the winter/summer/maternity clothes bin in the basement. It was fun while it lasted. Some of you I will miss. Some of you I will not. Au revoir!

Goodbye solid night's worth of sleep! Although I can't complain much. Colin usually sleeps 2-3 hour stretches, sometimes with a 1 hr (or less) stretch thrown in there. I'm getting up about 3-4 times a night. Kevin is too, poor guy. He's a very light sleeper, and if Colin makes the slightest noise, Kevin's awake. He's on diaper/pre-burping duty, while I'm on feeding/post-burping duty. Lucky duck, he gets to go back to sleep, and I stay up anywhere between a half hour to a full hour each feeding. Ciao!

Goodbye Mt. Vesuvius (I think)! Although now left side is confused as to why it's not getting as much action as the past week and a half. Today has been better on the feeding front though. Two successful days in a row of switching off at every feeding :) Arrivederci!

Tomorrow Colin will already be 2 weeks old. I'm not sure how I feel about that. 2 weeks...he's getting old already. How can I slow down time? But then again, I'm excited to be able to play with him, teach him things, take him places, etc. Each phase will have its perks and its hardships. I'm trying to enjoy Colin being tiny while it lasts.

I will post pictures of days past tomorrow.


Courtney said...

This is such a cute post!

SweetPea said...

For realsies?! You are done with the night sweats at 2 weeks!!! I hate you. lol Not really but I had them for at least a month or longer. I was so happy to be done with them. Congrats!