Thursday, August 13, 2009

A to Z Pizza Farm

On Tuesday, two co-worker friends and I went to A to Z Pizza Farm in Stockholm, WI. It's on a farm in the middle of nowhere (no exaggeration), along dirt roads and close to the Mighty Mississippi. It was a unique experience. Here it is, in pictures:

You need to get there early. They open at 4:30. We got there at 5:10ish. First, you stand in line:Order your pizza from this menu. All of the ingredients are organic and grown on the farm. If you click on the picture, you should be able to see it bigger. We got the "sweet and hot peppers" pizza:
Wait on the lawn. You have to bring your own chairs, table/blanket/cooler, beverages, forks, plates, napkins, etc. In other words, the only thing that is provided is the pizza. Chat and people-watch while......your pizza is made in this shack,and then put in one of two brick ovens.
Go back periodically and check to see if your number is close to being flipped. See the 2 white rectangles above that guy's head? It says 50. We were 135.1 hour and 30 minutes later, you get your pizza. I'll tell's worth the wait. There's so much to talk about and see, you don't mind at all. You're just anxious to sink your teeth into the tasty goodness is all!Don't forget to take all of your garbage out with you! Yes, even that smelly pizza box. You can bring that back the next time you come to re-use it for your next pizza if you wish.

If you live anywhere even remotely close to Stockholm, you should most definitely go before they close for the season. Bring some friends, a bottle of wine, and enjoy!


Nlvaden said...

That looks sooooo good.

Stephanie said...

mmmm an hour and a half drive for a hour and a half wait for pizza... when do you want to go? DH doesn't eat pizza so you'd have to be my date.