Thursday, February 12, 2009

Midwife appointment

I re-scheduled my appointment to be today instead of tomorrow.'s the stats:

My weight: up 1.5 lbs since 2 weeks ago. This is "perfect" and puts me at a total weight gain of 18-19ish lbs
BP: good
Glucose results: 114 (140 is where we worry, so no worries there!)
Hemoglobin: good
Baby's HB: 140 bpm
Belly measurement: On track
Baby's position at time of appointment: Head down. Feet are on my right side, where all the big movements are. I still feel fluttering in the upper middle and lower left though. My midwife said that if the baby is head down at 30 weeks, he/she will usually stay that way. Let's hope so, shall we?

I also turned in my pre-admission form and officially signed up for childbirth education classes, which will be held the evening of March 13 & all day March 14.

I was given my next piece of homework: Birth plan. It's not due until after we finish up class. I think I know at least half of my preferences on the sheet right now though. However, I will hold off until I learn more.

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