Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A game

...and a challenge. I LOVE reading your comments! And if it weren't for that feedjit tracker, I'd think nobody reads my blog. Some of you are telling me that you'd like to leave comments, but you can't for whatever reason. Oh yes you can! Click on the comment link (I know you read this! Feel free to leave a comment by clicking here) below, and it'll bring you to a new screen. Then, type in the text box what you want to say. Below the box, where it says "Choose an identity," click on anonymous. That way you don't have to sign up for a google (blogspot is run through google) account. Remember to include your name in the text box though so I know who you are!

Now let's give it a try. Colin's 4 month check-up is tomorrow (oh joy...more shots). Guess his "height" and weight. Closest guess gets bragging rights! Get your guesses in by tomorrow (Wed.) night, and I'll post the "answers" on Thursday.

These are his stats from his 2 month appointment.
Weight: 12 lbs, 12 oz = 75th percentile

Height: 23 inches = 50th percentile.

I'll give you a hint...I took him in for his eczema when he was 3 months old, and he weighed 14 lbs, 4 oz with his (cloth) diaper and clothes on. We didn't measure his height, though.

Guess by leaving a comment :) And go.


leah @maritalbless said...

I'm going with 15.3! And um 24 inches?

Nlvaden said...

25 inches and 13.9 lbs.

Anonymous said...

OK I will give it a try
Grandma Jacobs
14 pounds 10 ounces
24 1/2 inches

SweetPea said...

15lbs 2.5oz and 24.5 inches long

Anonymous said...

17 pounds, 2 ounces.
25.5 inches.
Tracy Jacobs

Triana said...

16lbs, 2oz & 24.75 inches

Sarah said...

Okay . . . I am obviously not a mother, and I don't exactly know how to interpret the whole "75th percentile" stuff, so I'm going big:

I guess that he ate his way through the fourth month, and that he's up to 18 pounds and 26 inches. I will probably be laughed at by every mother on this blog. :) (And I realize that the game ended Wednesday evening, but technically your post is still not up, so I figure it's still fair). (when I use my name, do you know it's your favorite redhead?)

AJ said...

Sarah, of course I know it's you :) And yes, you are my favorite redhead.