Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rice Cereal: First Taste

Here's our eating champion's first rice cereal "meal." He had no problems figuring out the spoon.

First bite. Hmm...not sure...
Yeah...I do think I like that stuff. Let's try it again. I'll open my mouth really wide.Yes, yes! That is tasty! More more more! Now! Faster!So good.


leah @maritalbless said...

Seriously, could he be any cuter?!

Sarah said...

These pictures made me smile today. Thank you! Let's all let out a big "Aaawwwwwwww!" And I love the flailing picture - that's what I do when I'm around good food, too!

Don't think that the UWEC Blugolds "necklace" strap went unnoticed, either. :)

stephie said...

I see you chopped your hair off!! I want to see you from the front. The pics are great...thank you for sharing!