Rain is the size of a lemon now. I know what you're thinking. Last week was a peach and this week is a lemon? That seems sort of backwards. I agree. I wasn't the one who came up with the produce metaphors. Anyway, this week Rain 3.4 in long and 1.5 oz. He's sucking his thumb (oh no--braces on the way!), wiggling his toes, making urine (ew), and breathing amniotic fluid. His liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop, and his lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over his body to keep him warm.
The word is spreading at work. Good times. My co-workers are amazed I could keep it a secret this long, and they are so happy that I get to leave my horrid class in April.
Look how cute you are. I'm seriously enjoying your outfit! Yay for lemons and psycho produce! :)
Oh Leah. For you to enjoy my outfit is a huge compliment for me, so thanks :) I'm still not sure "cute" is the word for it.
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