Wednesday, April 1, 2009

37 weeks: Swiss Chard

Cue the trumpet! ::Duh-da-da-duuuhh:: We're full term! Any time little Rain decides to come, there's no stopping him now.

Rain's as big as a stalk of swiss chard. He weighs about 6 1/3 lbs and measures a little over 19 inches. His lungs should be fully mature, hence the reason why he'd be a-okay out here if he decides to show early. And...that's all for development this week. It's just a waiting game now.
Here are the belly pics of the week:
And a full-frontal by request:

I had my midwife appointment this afternoon. Here are the stats:
My weight: Up a big, fat 0 lbs. Total: holding steady at 28. Hurray for slowing down the weight gain! And don't worry, I'm not starving myself. I have my fair share of healthy snacks throughout the day. Oh yeah...and chocolate. Tomorrow one of my students is bringing a BROWNIE CAKE in for his birthday. I'm already considering how I can save some "extra" for myself to pig out on, and then lie to him about someone coming in and taking it. I would definitely not get the teacher of the year award for that, so ::sigh:: I guess I'll take only my fair share. 
Belly measurement: on track, I think
Baby's HR: wasn't told, but probably in the 140-150 range. I used the doppler I'm borrowing from a co-worker on Sunday, and it was still right around there.
Baby's position: Head down still. Feet are usually on my right side. Better not flip now, Mr. Rain Man!
Cervix: 1 cm dilated! Eep!
GBS test results: Positive :( Boo!! This means that I have Group B Streptococcus in my body, and that baby could potentially get sick upon birth. BUT, if I get the proper doses of Penicillin through IV on delivery day before he's born, everything should be okay. It doesn't sound like much to worry about, but I also can't spend as much time as I want laboring at home. The Penicillin treatments have to be 3-4 hours apart from each other. If my birth (7 hrs) is anything like this birth is going to be, there will be a hustle to the hospital.

**Scroll down to the "March showers bring April babies" post. I added a picture!**


Sarah said...

I've followed you (not in a creepy stalker way) on The Knot and Nest ever since your wedding (loved your pics by Betsy Cole, btw) and I just wanted to pop in and say congrats on the almost-done-cooking babe. You look terrific!

AJ said...

Thank you Sarah :) Now you've got me wondering what your knot/nest name is!