Sunday, April 26, 2009

I know I've been MIA

When Colin isn't eating, I'm resting/doing housework. How about I make up for it with some cute photos? We had Johanna Price come out to our house (twice...the little bugger was not being cooperative the first day) and take some newborn shots to build her portfolio...

He's C. from the F. family. 

Awesome doesn't cover it. Johanna's super great. I asked her if she'd babysit sometime, but she lives too far away. :(

What we know about the little dude so far:
1. He hates having a dirty diaper. Aside from sleeping, he can't function (read: breastfeed) in one. And we change a lot of diapers. We're using cloth wipes (we have 24 of them), and have to wash those about every day and half, which is better than the first day when we had to wash all of them.
2. He's teeny. We bought some Huggies newborn sized diapers and we had 3 blowouts in one day in them. Pampers Swaddlers to the rescue. Cloth diapers on the back way will he fit in them yet.
3. He sleeps a lot. His schedule looks like this: Eat. Sleep. 3 hrs later: change, burp (because he passes out and won't burp a whole lot after eating). Repeat. Even at night. I get about 2-3 hr stretches of sleep, Kevin gets a little more because he doesn't have to feed him. I look forward to 2 weeks from now when we introduce a bottle and Kevin can share a bit in that duty. I'm not sure yet if he's looking forward to it though :)
4. He hates eating from the right. Screaming, kicking, clawing at me. So fun. I make him try every time. When I've had enough, I let him go to my left, aka "McDonalds." The fast and easier way to eat. It's a battle of willpower. I will be victorious in this though. I must win. I hope I can make an appointment with a Lactation Consultant tomorrow.
5. He knows what he wants and when he wants it. Started from birth, and looks like it has continued.
6. He smiles a lot. I wonder what he's thinking about?

How's Rocket?
Rocket was a little put off at first, but he's getting better. The first couple nights, I swear I could see bags under his eyes. He's not used to all of the sleep interruptions. He says he can't wait for Colin to start playing with him instead of sleeping all darn day.

Well, looks like it's battle time. Colin is up, and I'm sure he's looking forward to the force-feeding he's about to endure.


Rachel said...

My son wouldn't nurse on the left side right after my milk came in. Turns out it was cuz I was way too engorged and he couldn't get what he needed. Try to pump for a few minutes before nursing from that side, it should help, it's actually a common problem from what I've heard!

hope it helps!

AJ said...

Thanks Rachel :) We'll see if that works!

Courtney said...

He is adorable!! Congratulations again!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter was in the same postion for the last week before I had her and the dr thought she had a sore neck as she had a painful time turning the neck. That was the reason she had a hard time nursing on the right...

Jen Elder said...

Totally understand why you've been MIA...I've felt the same exact way. I haven't even updated my blog in a looong time so you're ahead of me for sure!! Ahhh yes, been to the lactation consultant a few times. Emily is a slow eater so I'm on a fun bf/supplement/pumping schedule. Good times. Sounds like things are going well with Colin, he's such a cutie. Love the picture of him smiling!! We're holding off on cloth too until her cord falls off...which looks like it will happen very soon! One of these days I need to make some cloth wipes too. Man we went through the disposable ones very quickly!! And Emily doesn't even poop as much as normal babies!! This is so fun to read how you're doing since our two little ones are so close in age :)